And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19

As a woman empowered by God, you are an unstoppable force! Despite all the hardships and injustice our women from the past have experienced, we got to where we are now because of them. They were unstoppable! They fought for our rights and justice to build a better future for us! We are more empowered now more than ever.

Nonetheless, we cannot help but still feel we are inadequate at times. We sometimes even question, “Am I good enough?” because of our insecurities and doubts of ourselves.

But I am telling you this, you are enough. You are enough, simply because God has created you. Do not believe the lies that people tell you or what you yourself tell you because you are enough!

God knows we have shortcomings and limitations and that we are a constant work in progress, but He knows we are His works and He will equip and fill us. So if there are times you think you’re not good enough, then just ask God to fill you up. Pray to our Lord Jesus Christ to supply your needs. Our God is a giving God. Just ask and He will equip you. He will nurture you until all your needs have been met! Ask, my dear woman of God, and He will surely provide!

That’s why today, this is my prayer for you. That God, the God we serve, will supply and fill you up till you overflow. So that your cup runs over because God has shown you His grace and He will supply your needs. May He continue to bless you, fill you up, so your life is fruitful and ever-flowing.

Always remember, you are enough not because of who you are, or what you have done, or what you will do, or what you are capable of. You are enough because Jesus came down on earth and died for you. He loves and blesses you. That alone makes you enough.